Health & Fitness

Health Services

Blood Pressure Screening

The Center offers blood pressure screening on most Friday mornings at 10am. A qualified health care professional will take your pressure and help to keep track of your numbers from month to month. Come in and keep up with your health!

Chair Massage

Cahir massage by licensed Massage Therapist, Rachel Renzi. Chair massage may reduce pain and stiffness in joints and muscles, increase circulation and reduce stress.

Flu Shots 

Each year, Canton Woods offers flu shots, given by local pharmacies at the center. The shots are generally available in the end of September, or beginning of October. Check our monthly calendar for the dates in the fall.

P.E.A.C.E, Inc. Luncheons

Canton Woods houses P.E.A.C.E. Inc.'s Senior Nutrition program each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00pm.


Connect with your friends and neighbors and enjoy a delicious, affordable lunch at Canton Woods, your Senior Nutrition Site. The meals are wholesome and mostly made from scratch.

The best part is the suggested contribution of $3.50

For information regarding PEACE’s Senior Nutrition Sites contact Food Services, (315) 470-3331 or visit their website at

P.E.A.C.E., Inc.'s Senior Nutrition Program is funded by: U.S. Administration on Aging, 
NYS Office of Aging and the Onondaga County Department of Adult and Long Term Services.

Fitness Services

(Falls Prevention is a FREE class; there is a minimal fee for all other fitness classes)

Aerobic exercise for Active Older ADULTs 

The class format is extensive, with emphasis on strengthening, aerobics, flexibility and relaxation, and floor exercises for abdominal, hip and leg strengthening. The group is under the leadership of an experienced instructor.

Falls Prevention

This FREE class is facilitated by a Licensed Physical Therapist. Strengthen your core, and improve your balance. Reduce your risk of falling. 

Tai Chi

Tai Chi involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. It may reduce stress, improve balance, and alleviate pain.


Experience   Chair Yoga with Yvonne Martin, RYT500 Certified Kripalu Yoga teacher. Discover Kripalu Yoga, a gentle mindful Hatha Yoga practice that emphasizes compassionate self- acceptance and mind –body awareness.  New to Yoga? Come give it a try.  The first class is always FREE

Zumba Gold

Zumba Gold provides modified low impact moves for all levels yet specifically designed for the active older adult and beginners. Instructor Susan Petrilli leads the class as you move to the beat at your won speed. Invigorating and fun!

Other Classes, Clubs & Groups

Art Group

This dynamic Art Group meets under the guidance and encouragement of retired art teacher, Mike Conway. Come and explore your inner artist!

Book Club

Canton Woods Book Club meets once each month. Call the center for the current book selection, start reading and join in the lively discussion.

Craft Group

Join fellow crafters each Tuesday morning to share ideas, patterns, techniques and a few good laughs!

Writing Group

Take the time to put your special memories and experiences down on paper for family, friends or simply for your own enjoyment.  This group shares stories laughter and occasionally a few tears.


Canton Woods Senior Center


Joan Ferstler

Senior Recreation Leader

(315) 638-4536

Ruth Troy

Senior Citizens Coordinator

(315) 638-4536